Please use Easychair for all submissions.
Contribution types
Extended abstracts
Extended abstracts will describe either methodological or application work that has not been previously presented in a conference. Contributions should consist of up to 2 pages, excluding references, and should be prepared based on the template provided below.Please note that each submission will have to include a Study Context explaining any ethics consideration and approvals, funding, stakeholder involvement (e.g. patients and public), availability of data and methods, conflicts of interest, collaborators, etc.
Authors will specify their preferred way of presenting their contribution: as an oral presentation, flash/lightning talk, poster or demo. As in previous years, there will be a post-conference open call to submit a journal-length paper for further peer review and publication in Frontiers in Digital Health.
Software demo sessions
Demo sessions will provide a forum for demonstration of solutions and projects to the wider community. Proposals for demos should use the template for extended abstracts.PhD and fellowship projects
Submissions by PhD students or early career researchers will be presented at the separate forum. These should present ongoing PhD research (in any stage) or a planned fellowship application. The forum will provide an opportunity to receive constructive feedback from the community, including a panel that will consist of the keynote speakers and experts in different areas.Contributions should consist of up to 4 pages and will be treated separately from the other submissions.
Submission Template
The submission template can be accessed here: Word, Latex, Overleaf.Key dates
Event | Date |
Deadline for all contributions | March 28th, 2025 |
Notification of acceptance | April 18th, 2025 |
Workshop | June 16th, 2025 |
Conference | June 16-18th 2025 |